Thursday, August 23, 2007

Almost TGIF

Well, my week has been improving. By the end of yesterday, I had air-conditioning and access to a PC. I am finally getting my classes settled and guidance has stopped putting a bunch of new people in my classes.
One of my favorite students had to drop my advanced drama class. She has physical therapy for her ankle over the next three months and my class is the best one for her to drop (seems to be a problem with her dropping AP English or Calculus) so she can go to her sessions. I am sad. She is a great actress and an incredibly sweet young lady.
In her place, guidance has given me a student who has not had Drama II. He had Drama I his freshman year and now as a senior, he convinced his counselor to place him in my advanced class. I am not going to pitch a fit because I would rather wait and see if there is someone worse in one of my spring classes that I would rather ask to be pulled out of my class. Besides, his ego needs to be readjusted and the wonderful actors in this class will hopefully cut his cocky attitude a bit.
My Drama I classes are a unique mix of ghetto, country, and prep. This is a norm at my school and those with a bit of an open mind will enjoy working with someone with completely different thoughts than them. By the time they are in Drama III, they are great friends no matter their social groups. That is one of the things I appreciate most about my classes.
Now, for some sleep.. I am exhausted. First week of school kicks my tail every time!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

2 days down and 178 to go...

Well, I have completed 2 days of the school year and the start was not as smooth as I would have liked. Things are slowly improving, but this was one of the most rocky starts I have ever had. I actually emailed Rick early Monday morning and said that I would not return to my school next year. This is the only school I have taught at, and I feel like I am a team player, but no one told me another group was using the auditorium on the first day, so I wrote my lesson plans for that space. I found out during homeroom that another groups was using it and I had to rewrite lesson plans during the first hour of school. The day improved as it went along, but it was a tough start.
I love my advanced class, but because they know me so well, they are going to be tough to handle. They think they can get away with more stuff and I have to make sure they are occupied at all times or the are loud and hard to calm down. My drama 1 classes are interesting and have a diverse mix of kids in them. I enjoy the mix and I think it is interesting how the dynamics of personalities will change as we progress through the year.
My computer is finally working, but the air conditioner in my classroom is still not working... not good in 100 degree heat. Fortunately, I have been able to move to other classes to get the kids out of the heat!
I need to read some of the kids' first writings tonight to gauge their thoughts and their ability levels. This is going to be an interesting ride.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Less than 12 hours...

Less than 12 hours from now, I will begin the new school year. This weekend has flown by. I went to school yesterday and tried to do some more work. I think I am about ready... OK. I really am not ready, but I am not sure that I ever REALLY am though.
Rick and the kids took me out to dinner Saturday night and as I pulled in to the restaurant I saw a bunch of booths sitting next to a dumpster behind the building. My first thought was "I want one for my classroom" and my second one was "I wonder which one of my former students is working her so I can ask." Well the host was one of my former drama students and he checked with the manager who said I could have whatever was back there. They had just taken them out Friday night to do their remodeling. My very sweet husband Rick and my brother-in-law Jeff went back with me today with my father-in-law's truck and I got three booths for my class and for the stage!!! I am really excited. Jeff made two more trips over there and took a bunch of booths to the youth room at his church (Jeff is a youth minister). He said if I need them for a play this year I can borrow them. COOOOOOL!!!
We spent the evening packing the kids' backpacks for school tomorrow. I will take T to middle school and Rick will take C to the elementary school. I am going to miss them being at the same school. Life has been so easy with them together the last few years, but it will still not be that bad. T will walk over to the high school from the middle school. It is next door and C will ride the bus over to me. I even remembered to pack snacks for them to have after school when they get to me...
Honestly I am more nervous about my kids having good days than I am about my school day. Middle school is tough for this mom.. more tough than buying my "baby" men's size 10 1/2 tennis shoes yesterday. If his feet are this big going into sixth grade, what are they going to be in high school??
Good night and pray often for me tomorrow....

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Day 4: I can't think tonight...

After spending 4 days at school, I will list what I have accomplished and what I still need to do. I really want to make some deeply important point about God, life, and ministering to teenagers but all I have right now is the lists of things to do. I love teaching but right now things are too chaotic...

Things done:
1. typed my student info. sheet
2. typed the syllabus for Drama I
3. sent an email to district office about our meeting yesterday
4. read "Once Upon a mattress" and realized it is not the right show for us
5. turned in the work order for the broken air conditioner on the stage and in my classroom

Things to be done:
1. type my drama III/IV syllabus
2. print all of paperwork for first day
3. write my first week lesson plans
4. get the graduation robes out of my classroom
5. hope that the computer system finally acknowledges my existence and allows me to get my rolls, set up my gradebook, etc.
6. put chairs at all of the tables in my room
7. set out all of the papers I need for homeroom on Monday
8. Hope that I do not have lunch duty on Monday.. first day of school
9. make signs directing students to my classroom
10. pull props I need for drama III/IV to do their scenes on the first day of school.

My mind hurts... and I am worried about my school being ready to open on Monday. There are still teachers who do not have all of the files, pcs, and stuff... it is still being unloaded out of the storage units out in the yard.

Good night.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I have been teaching tooooo long!

Linda and I were trying to move the old upright piano in her classroom today. The thing only has 2 wheels and in just a few moments we were laughing because there was no way we were going to get it where we needed it. I told her that I was going to see if there were any ROTC students in the hall that could move it for us. When I went in the hall, there was one of the football coaches coming down the hall with two of his players (one of whom I teach) so this is the conversation that followed...

Me "Coach, could I borrow your player for just a moment to move a piano in the chorus room?"

Coach "Sure.. No problem. Come on guys."

Me "Thanks. (to one of the players) Keith, I see your on my roll for second period this fall."

Keith "Yes ma'am."

Coach "Keith, you're in Mrs. Stilwell's class again? She said that you remind her of me when she taught me.."

Keith "Yes Sir.. She said that she can't read anything that either one of us writes...."


Day 3.. now I do not exist

Day 3 and I seem to be moving backwards with computer issues instead of forward...
Last night, I went to check school email here at home to see if I missed any news after leaving school and I could not log in. Apparently, the email password I have had for the last several years in no longer correct. What???
So when I got to school this morning, I tried to log on to email on my "sort of works pc" at school and my email password there is also invalid. I also cannot log onto anyone else's pc to find out class rosters or email or use my files from the server... so basically I do not exist on the computer anymore.
When I explained my problem to my principal he said (with a completely serious face) " Just email our computer tech about it." I just stood there staring.... then he started laughing at what he had said. This poor man has way too many issues this week.. or I completely missed his sense of humor on this one. Usually I am making the "smartie pants" comments at school.
This afternoon I spent in district level fine arts meetings. I was asked about being the lead teacher for drama. I am not sure if that is a cool statement about my teaching and coordination skills or some kind of punishment...
By the way... My school has the teachers march in at graduation each year. We are in full academic regalia and it looks pretty cool. My mom is thrilled that I actually use what she refers to as my "40,000.00 robe" on a regular basis. But the problem is, that for some reason, I have about 50 teacher graduation robes sitting all over the tables in my classroom right now. so if anyone needs a black academic robe???

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Day 2... or where are my drama books???

Well the first 2 days have come and gone and I am still not feeling my excitement about school starting yet. I love teaching and by this time of the school year, I am happily anticipating my students and writing lesson plans for the first several weeks of school, but our school is in such flux this year that my happiness has not arrived yet.
Our school is undergoin massive renovations and while I am not directly affected by the changes, the trickle down effect is causing me some minor anxiety. Many teachers are still waiting for their desks, files, computers, etc to be unloaded from the monster storage units in the parking lot, and others of us have our rooms completely ready, but cannot log onto our pcs because of some computer glitch from the summer and others are completely set.. I am in the minor computer glitch category. I can't really complain about the computer problems when there are people at school who haven't seen their files or computers yet.
My other issue is that new drama books have been ordered but either they have not arrived yet or the state department sent nursing books instead. Drama students do not need anatomy books.. those could cause problems!!! :)
My fall schedule gives me first period planning, drama II/IV second period and drama I in third and fourth periods. That should be a fun.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Returning to the blogging world

I used to keep a blog but life got too busy and I stopped. I didn't actually want to go back to the same blog, so I started a completely new place...a clean sheet.. a new day.. etc. Today is the last day before school starts back. I want to use this blog to chart my work for school and other personal notes. I want to keep this as something personal, but having others reply is fun too...