Monday, June 23, 2008

math is not my thing...

I am not as far in to my reading totals as I had hoped.. I am only at roughly 3,600 pages.. I thought I was closer to 5,000 already. Oh well, with trips to the beach and the mountains coming up, I should have no problems getting to 6,000 pages by the end of the summer... Fall is a tough time to read. Producing and directing a musical sucks the life out of me so reading for pleasure does not usually happen..

summer reading...

Ok.. I haven't marked down my reading in awhile and I do still have my goal of 10,000 pages for the year.. I have read more in the last week that i have since before the spring play rehearsals started.. I'll work my way back with my books.

I just finished 2 books this weekend- The Hunt and The Prey by Allison Brennan. Both are murder mysteries with strong women in the protagonist role. While the books do not all have exactly the same characters, they have overlapping characters and are part of a trilogy of books Brennan ha written. I know I'll finish the last one before summer is over. The number of pages for each was about 380.

I also read 7th Heaven by Patterson.. the newest release from the Women's Murder Club mysteries... I really wasn't impressed because the good action that I have seen in the other books wasn't in this one.. This book had 375 pages in it. That means I have read almost 1200 pages in less than a week.

Last week I read Devil May Care by Sebastian Faulk (written as Ian Fleming). This was surprisingly good although there were some slow parts to it. I hadn't read any Bond novels in awhile, so I enjoyed this one. It had 304 pages.

Last month, Rick gave me the Maximum Ride:Final Warning as post-play reading material.. I read it as I went to Philadelphia for our anniversary.. I wasn't impressed with this Patterson novel either.. He left his usual formula for good action and opted to preach on global warming.. I am sure he was trying to teach a new generation about living greener, but it didn't seem to fit in this series.. This book had 272 pages..

My final book in my recent reading is R is for Ricochet. It is another of the Sue Grafton Murder mysteries. I enjoyed this one because Grafton kept to a workable formula for a good series. This book had 384 pages in it.

I think that 10,000 pages is going to be an easy goal. I am more than half way there now.. I may try to expand my genres for the rest of the year. I have 2 books on my shelf right now..

Saturday, June 21, 2008


the amount of time it has been since I have blogged....
how long I have been in love with rick !!!
how long it seems I have been trying to catch up on laundry...

i am thinking alot about my life with rick today.. in a few hours we will go to a wedding in the same church we were married in.. for a friend who was a child the age of my own children when we were married...
i remember i met him while doing cross word puzzles between classes.. i could match him in crosswords, but even then couldn't match him in word jumbles!!
i remember going to the amy grant concert in the middle of finals..
and spring break with Jenny and Jeff and Debbie and Janet and Stephen...
i remember trying to study while listening to him on the radio on sunday afternoons.. and having him proofread all my term papers..
i remember when I realized i was in love.. and even more so when i came home from japan and knew i wanted to spend my life with him...
i remember him getting down on one knee in my apartment and how the peanut butter pie never got eaten that night...
i remember our first argument in front of his mother... over our china pattern ("that's fine" was not the right answer)
i remember him singing to me at our rehearsal dinner and driving through the rain storm on our wedding night..
i remember having as much fun watching Braves baseball on the couch as adventuring out during our honeymoon..
i remember writing thank you notes.. and checking to make sure rick hadn't too much of a smart aleck on them.. (and no, "thanks for the crystal dish. our dog is enjoying eating out of it" is not an appropriate thank you)
i remember arguing of which peanut butter and ketchup to buy...
and i remember how much i love him and how it has grown each and every day.....

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Play auditions start tomorrow

Tomorrow I start play auditions. I chose and easy fun show this year. I hope that the kids enjoy it. I consider it easy because the set design and costuming are extremely easy and inexpensive, and it's a show I have done a few times before so making decisions for blocking are much easier than with a show that I have never done before. I hope I can keep a journal of my thoughts for this show as I get closer to the performances.
My only concern right now is that I am a little low on the numbers for auditions, but that usually works itself out. I'll try to keep the notes together with this one.
So, my reading is doing well, and I thin k the goal of 10,000 pages for this year is going to be easily reached. I just finished Par for the Course by Ray Blackston. I like his light humor and take on life in his series, and I like that it is set in Charleston close to home.. The book totals 241 pages. I don't think I have marked that I finished James Patterson's 4th of July too. It is another of the Women's Murder Club mysteries. I am one of those people who will read an entire series if I find that I like the first ones.. This is shaping up to be true with these books. They are quick reads for me. This book had about 320 pages. I'll do math about how many pages I have so far this year.. I am doing well though!

Monday, February 11, 2008

God knows better...

Last week was a hard week for me. I struggled in my prayer life and I cried out to God that I did not understand...

A girl that I teach with, diane, has her office across the hall from my class and we always say hi. She just had her second child in October and I have enjoyed chatting about the various stages with children. Her girls are thre and newborn and mone are 10 and 12 now.

Over New Year's, Diane's husband was diagnosed with with a brain tumor.. bad location, growing fast, losing basic thinking and movement.. all in the space of weeks. A group of us teachers have been praying and Diane has been blogging about all of the experiences because it is an easy way to let everyone know what updates there are daily. About 2 weeks ago, Diane and Mike went to Duke to see if he could be a part of one of their Cancer trials. Just after arriving, Mike went downhill quickly, the tumor grew by 30% while they were in Durham and Mike ended up in ICU in a coma and the doctors said there was nothing they could d, that it was a matter of days.

I prayed diligently, but I found myself questioning God about this.. Why someone so young? why can't miracles happen? why should diane and the girls not have their husband and father? why can't these doctors so something more?

Diane decided to have Mike moved back to Columbia. There was nothing Duke could do, and she wanted to be home to deal with all of this. Finally, Diane got everything together to bring Mike home (insurance, ICU opening at Lexington, medical flight, etc..) I spent quite a while in prayer that night. And then I went to sleep. I woke up at 2:00 am. I knew something had happened, but did not know what. I felt a peace about Mike and Diane. All of this happened on Wednesday.

Starting on Thursday, Diane began to blog about small miracles. Mike regained consciesness before the flight. He woke up again in COlumbia. He started breathing on his own again. He recognized her and the girls, he spoke, he left ICU for a regular hospital room... the list keeps going on.

So basically, God waited until there was no hope... until Diane had been told that her husband would die in the next few days.. He let me be angry and frustrated, and when it was HIS time, he moved..

I do not know how this story will end. I pray for a complete miracle.. One that allows Mike to watch his girls grow up and always remember this mricale in their lives.. A miracle that all of us have been praying for and continue to pray for.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

I turn 40 this year..

Last night Rick and I went to a reunion concert of a band that is made up of some of Rick's old friends form high school. I was a very enjoyable evening but made me a bit contemplative. A bunch of us turn 40 this year. In fact, I am going to another 40th birthday party next weekend.

My friend LD decided last year that she wanted to train for a marathon which she ran 2 months after her 40th birthday, and George planned a reunion concert and now I am thinking.. what is something big I would like to do for my 40th birthday? We've talked about a big trip to Europe but I want to do something that will take some time and discipline to prepare to for this year. Something I have to stick with...

I know I need to lose weight, but I really want a goal for this weight loss. Right now, I am thinking a 5 or 10 k race by the end of the summer when my birthday is. I don't know. I don't want to copy what LD did, but I have always dreamed of running races, but the baby fat that stayed and multiplied after T and Cam has kind of made me lazy.

I would write a book, but that is more Rick's thing... Maybe audition for some local theater productions? Maybe write a script? I do not know what I want to do, but I want something big.. something to work for.. a bit of a quest..

Any suggestions out there? I know I have very few (if any readers) but if you have happened to stop by and have any thoughts.. please feel free to share!!

More Books...

After having several days when I was not able to log onto my blog because of the parental controls on our pc, I am back and ready to write about several things going on in my life...

READING- I am continuing on with my quest to read 10,000 pages this year and to read a book every week or two. The last week I have read a couple of things...

The first is a play 30 reasons not to do a play that I was looking at for my spring production. I liked it but I did not like the fact that it is not a play in the sense of having a set design and plot line, but rather it is a group of people talking to the audience and acting in small vignettes. I am know down to either Backstage or Tales of the Arabian Nights for my show.. Both would be good, but I just need to flip a coin... My page total for this one is 50 pages.

I have been reading a really great book called Organic God by Margaret Feinberg. She is a great writer that makes reading about God and what I love most about Jesus really easy. Rick ad I spent some time talking the other night about how I can read a fiction novel of 300 pages in a period of hours and I have been reading Organic God for over a week and am nearly at 100 pages. I am still not finished. I was frustrated at the slowness of the reading but Rick suggested that reading something deep and meaningful takes me longer to read than the funky fun books I normally enjoy.

I picked up James Patterson's next book in the Women's Murder Club. Third Degree was a quick read and Patterson is still able to have some twists I do not expect. I like that in a mystery. This one was 390 pages.

Not sure what I want to do next. I think it is time for some literature.. Something I have enjoyed before and want to read again. Maybe To Kill a Mockingbird or something like that. I also want to finish Organic God.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Reading is good

I like that I am just writing to make notes about what I am reading. In that way, this is just for me and not for others to read. I think that when I was blogging before that I wished I had more friends blogging and reading my blog. I also wished I had the writing abilities of my sweetheart. But, alas, I don't.

However, I love to read.. I am aiming for a book a week this year. That is one of the few resolutions I made. I would like to lose weight, but every time I start on that, I have some major life crisis happen. It has truly happened 4 times now. I am just trying to eat better, not diet...

This week's book has been another murder mystery. Second Chance by James Patterson is the next one in the Women's Murder Club series. I like the twists that don't allow me to have it figured out before the last 30 pages. After reading mysteries all of my life, I like authors that are able to surprise me and Patterson is able to do that. This book was 390 pages and puts me closer to my goal of 10,000 pages for the year....

My next book is going to be non-fiction.. I'll get Rick to help with suggestions..

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Carry On, Jeeves

Carry On, Jeeves by P.D. Woderhouse is my second book of the new year. I wanted something a bit more literary than the mysteries I usually like to read. This book is a bit less than my last one at 245 pages, but as I quest to read a book a week and have at least 2 genres a month, I am doing well.
Tomorrow is my last day with this set of classes. I am sad to lose my advanced students because they are the ones who remind me of why I teach. They call me mom and call my cell phone just to tell me that my car tire looked like it is low on air. They eat lunch in my classroom, raid my own children's stash of snacks, but buy me doughnuts and chocolate just because they think it will make me smile. My first year students on the other hand have been a challenge this semester. I have never had a group that as a whole did not care so much. It has been frustrating.
I love teaching, but this is a semester that I feel like I have not done very well with reaching some or maybe most of the kids...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

new year.. new try

I am going to have another try at blogging this year. for me, life gets to busy to blog. I also think I try to make my blog entries look too much like rick's. I spend too much time doing laundry, grading papers, blocking stage movement, and organizing our kids' school and social lives to be as deep thinking as my sweetheart.
This year, I want to have some fun writing at least once a week. i want to focus on my goals of exercising more, reading more, and just enjoying life.
Rick mentioned the other day about making notes about how much reading he does this year. I would like to do this also. i do not read much during play season, usually just on breaks and in the summer. I read my first book of 2008. Rick bought me James Patterson's First to Die a couple of months ago and I started reading it last night. I am a fast reader and finished it about lunch time today. Since I like to round my numbers, I'll say I read 450 pages. I think officially it was something like 462. My next read is going to be something classic. I am thinking some Wila Cather, maybe Harper Lee... I do not know. We have reading time at school each day, but I usually focus on magazines or newspapers.. This semester, I want to read a few books in this time frame.
Thanks and goodnight.