Sunday, January 27, 2008

I turn 40 this year..

Last night Rick and I went to a reunion concert of a band that is made up of some of Rick's old friends form high school. I was a very enjoyable evening but made me a bit contemplative. A bunch of us turn 40 this year. In fact, I am going to another 40th birthday party next weekend.

My friend LD decided last year that she wanted to train for a marathon which she ran 2 months after her 40th birthday, and George planned a reunion concert and now I am thinking.. what is something big I would like to do for my 40th birthday? We've talked about a big trip to Europe but I want to do something that will take some time and discipline to prepare to for this year. Something I have to stick with...

I know I need to lose weight, but I really want a goal for this weight loss. Right now, I am thinking a 5 or 10 k race by the end of the summer when my birthday is. I don't know. I don't want to copy what LD did, but I have always dreamed of running races, but the baby fat that stayed and multiplied after T and Cam has kind of made me lazy.

I would write a book, but that is more Rick's thing... Maybe audition for some local theater productions? Maybe write a script? I do not know what I want to do, but I want something big.. something to work for.. a bit of a quest..

Any suggestions out there? I know I have very few (if any readers) but if you have happened to stop by and have any thoughts.. please feel free to share!!


Alan said...

I think the marathon thing sounds great, but what about something that could become a real hobby and give you the exercise you are looking for. May I suggest biking. Not quite so hard on the knees and something fun to do with the kids. If that doesn't float your boat then... hey, waitaminute... how bout a canoe trip?

Caryn Kirk said...

Hi Vicki! Long time no chat! I've been going through some of the same issues. I want to celebrate this great age, and I want some changes, but dieting AGAIN just gets me so down. Here are some of my own ideas for my own 40th milestone: Quit complaining. Don't edit myself when I get the urge to speak out and love others. Wear what I want to wear. (that's an odd one, I know) Drink 6glasses of water a day.

I don't know about you, but I never go through with huge goals like running a marathon. The truth is, I don't really want to run. I just want to wear shorts without embarassment! So my advice (if I'm qualified to give any) is select things you really, really WANT but haven't let yourself give in to. If you've fantasized about crossing a finish line, then crossing the finish line just must be on your list. But if it's not a lifelong dream, it's just fake and you'll never do it. Go with your dreams, the humongous ones and the petty ones too. Good luck!!