Thursday, August 23, 2007

Almost TGIF

Well, my week has been improving. By the end of yesterday, I had air-conditioning and access to a PC. I am finally getting my classes settled and guidance has stopped putting a bunch of new people in my classes.
One of my favorite students had to drop my advanced drama class. She has physical therapy for her ankle over the next three months and my class is the best one for her to drop (seems to be a problem with her dropping AP English or Calculus) so she can go to her sessions. I am sad. She is a great actress and an incredibly sweet young lady.
In her place, guidance has given me a student who has not had Drama II. He had Drama I his freshman year and now as a senior, he convinced his counselor to place him in my advanced class. I am not going to pitch a fit because I would rather wait and see if there is someone worse in one of my spring classes that I would rather ask to be pulled out of my class. Besides, his ego needs to be readjusted and the wonderful actors in this class will hopefully cut his cocky attitude a bit.
My Drama I classes are a unique mix of ghetto, country, and prep. This is a norm at my school and those with a bit of an open mind will enjoy working with someone with completely different thoughts than them. By the time they are in Drama III, they are great friends no matter their social groups. That is one of the things I appreciate most about my classes.
Now, for some sleep.. I am exhausted. First week of school kicks my tail every time!!

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